Saturday, October 18, 2008

Una cronología de las Tecnologías para la educación

Here you are a very good chronology in Spanish of the history of technology in education to have a clear idea of the great advances of CALL in this field. Can you see PLATO project at the very beginning? Can you see that UNED is mentioned long time ago like a hit in the history of technology in education?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Did we achive this ten years later?

Read the following quotation from the Introduction chapter of your book and comment the questions below...

The software then has to reach the students and be used on a regular basis. Here there is a twofold problem: on the one hand the equipment might not be able to get access to the material because the cost of the equipment is prohibitive (Levy, 1997:2).

Do you think that language teaching has get to integrate technology in its curriculum completely in the 21st century? Are we exactly in the same situation than ten year before? Do you think that the first sentence of this quote is an utopia? Do you think the cost of the software and hardware to be used nowadays is prohibitive?

** Reply to all these questions using "comments"

Monday, October 13, 2008


Bienvenidos a este blog creado para completar los conocimientos que vayáis adquiriendo en este curso. En principio utilizaremos este blog para comentar citas del libro que utilizaremos como manual del curso: Computer-Assisted Language Teaching, de Mike Levy (1997). Luego iremos enlazando todo lo que aprendamos a la situación del CALL actual, de tal forma que este magnífico libro escrito en 1997 nos sirva de enlace con la situación altual del uso de las nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la enseñanza-aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras.